9727327 Chiu The purpose of the project is to hold a joint workshop of the Task Committee of the United States-Japan Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). The theme of the workshop is "Prediction and Control of Wind-Induced Response" and will be held at the East-West Center on the campus of the University of Hawaii. The topics to be discussed are: (a) Topographic effects on wind and the use of geographic information systems (GIS) to study these effects; (b) Control of wind-induced response of structures; (c) Computational fluid dynamics versus wind tunnel tests; (d) Prediction of wind-induced responses of full-scale structures; and (e) Investigation of wind hazards, including damage assessment technologies. For the technical program plenary sessions and small working group sessions are scheduled. A technical study tour will include the Tsunami Warning Venter, the Pacific Hurricane Center, National Weather Service Forecast Office, the NOAA Mauna Loa Observatory and the Hawaii Volcano Observatory. The research agenda developed will benefit the wind engineering research committees from both countries. ***