Abstract Proposal: 97-33267 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University PI - Julio C. Martinez "CAREER: Developing the Infrastructure for the Widespread Use of Simulation in the Analysis of Construction Operations" This CAREER award supports research leading to the development of a new infrastructure needed for the widespread adoption, acceptance, and use of simulation as an analysis and design tool for construction operations. The project addresses a national priority for Federal research and development for industries that produce constructed facilities. It will allow for significant improvements in planning with substantial reductions in the cost and time spent building them. Consequently, it will enhance the international competitiveness of U.S. industry and reduce total life cycle costs. The Principal Investigator will build on the previously developed advanced programmable tool and simulation programming language for construction operations, to create a comprehensive and exemplary special-purpose simulator for earthwork operations. The language will also be used to create an advanced general-purpose simulation tool that does not require programming. These tools will complement existing ones to cover the entire spectrum of tool complexity and modeling power needed to simulate construction operations at all levels. The common representation vehicle across all tools will solidify the use of Activity Cycle Diagrams as the universal means of describing construction operations. The educational aspect of the project is intricately related to and dependent on the research. It includes the development of multimedia tutorials, active learning games, workshops for educators, and an undergraduate construction simulation course. Its aim is to educate future construction practitioners at various levels, from educated users of special-purpose simulators to builders of models for complex operations, to builders of special-purpose simulato rs. With adequate numbers of suitable educated personnel at each level of proficiency, it will be possible to construct all facilities in a computer without expending any resources. Construction operations will be planned so well that they will flow smoothly and with no surprises. The ever scarcer resources needed for construction will be used as efficiently as possible.