Abstract CMS 97-33948 PI: Ismail Chabini Massachusetts Institute of Technology "CAREER: High Performance Computing and Network Optimization Methods with Applications to Intelligent Transportation Systems" This CAREER award supports research designed to integrate methodologies in high performance computing and network optimization methods to solve problems arising in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications. The research has three main directions: 1) developing and analyzing mathematical formulations, efficient algorithms and computer implementations for problems arising with ITS equipped with on-line information and control technologies. Problems include: dynamic modeling of the interactions between demand and supply components; generation of consistent and anticipatory route guidance; dynamic signal control and ramp metering and their integration with dynamic traffic assignment; and development of efficient algorithms for the computation of time- dependent shortest paths. 2) expanding network optimization methods and the knowledge base in the field of design and development of new algorithms and their computer implementation and testing to solve very large scale real-life applications. The emphasis is on the development of new methods that are amenable to efficient coarse grain parallel implementations. 3) developing high performance computing systems for parallel implementations of dynamic transportation network models and algorithms in order to meet the real-time requirement of ITS; developing parallel optimization methods to generate solutions to very large scale off-line real-life applications; and developing mathematical measures to analyze, assess and predict the performance of parallel computing systems. Education activities include: contribution to the development of a new curriculum and paradigm for the education of future transportation professionals; innovation in improving the learning and teaching experience b y participating in the implementation of the concept of MIT learning networks; contribution to a departmental initiative that aims to develop a new curriculum for undergraduate education; development of a textbook; outreach activities; and transfer of research into practice.