This database of bridge assessment is essential in determining which structures are most critical for limited monies. However, an evaluation which would assess the various costs associated with the various repair procedures is unavailable. Such an evaluation is highly needed to assist in the immense task of selecting economically smart repair/strengthen options available for these structurally deficient bridges. This research will assist in the development of such an evaluation. The life cycle cost assessment technology for cost benefit evaluation of bridge infrastructure rehabilitation/strengthening or renewal is based on technical acquisition and assessment of bridge design and repair options. This research is a joint, integrated effort between Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Arizona. For the construction industry, the life cycle cost benefit evaluation will provide a thorough and consistent assessment technology for handling the complex decisions and estimating in infrastructure renewal. The life cycle cost benefit evaluation will allow construction and policy makers to potentially save millions of taxpayers' and industrial capital dollars. The impact of the life cycle cost benefit evaluation will provide, for the first time, an assessment technology to evaluate various repair alternatives and emerging technologies on infrastructure renewal and the bridge construction industry. To the academic and scientific community, the life cycle research will push the bounds of knowledge-based systems.