Smeallie This workshop, to be organized by the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA), addresses the marked decrease in participation from industry and federal agencies in the field of rock mechanics research. In conjunction with a symposium on Rock Mechanics under organization, ARMA will conduct a workshop on challenges and opportunities for partnerships in rock mechanics research. For this workshop, CEO's and other executives from corporations and firms in the private practice of rock mechanics, representatives of various federal agencies, and educational leaders will be invited for participation.
A panel of 10 speakers will be invited to cover a wide range of interests for the civil, mining and petroleum industries. The aim is to develop consensus on the future course of education and research in rock engineering and rock mechanics, and to draft a plan with strong and realistic recommendations. The meeting will be held on June 6, 1999, immediately before the convening of the Rock Mechanics Symposium at Vail, Colorado. ***