Schiffries The U. S. National Committee for Rock Mechanics (USNC/RM) operates under the auspices of the NRC's Board on Earth Sciences and Resources. This Committee represents the American rock mechanics community in the United States and internationally, identifies critical issues in rock mechanics that need to be addressed, and reviews the health of the science that serves industry and government. The committee is comprised of ten members selected from industry, government and university, and includes several NAE members. The expertise, judgment and strategic perspective of the USNC/RM serves to define and help initiate sponsored studies and other activities with respect to major areas of national interest for which rock mechanics issues represent critical input.

The USNC/RM oversees ad hoc panels that conduct topical studies, which for the most part are separately funded. This Committee will be convening a panel to conduct a study on "Conceptual Models of Fluid Infiltration in Fractured Media." - a study which has health and environmental applications related to underground flow of pollutants through fractured rock. A separate study has just been concluded on "Seismic Signals from Mining Operations and the Comprehensive est Ban Treaty" (published by National Academy Press in July, 1998). The USNC/RM also recognizes and confers awards for outstanding contributions to the basic science and engineering applications of rock mechanics.

The USCN/RM meets twice annually and this award will be combined with funding from other federal agencies to provide support for strategic planning, project development, oversight, and dissemination of results of the Committee's work. ***

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National Academy of Sciences
United States
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