This project proposes to develop an application delivery system, in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), which will provide real-time distance learning opportunities. This system will be created by:
(1) Establishing a high-speed, high-bandwidth Internet2 gateway at the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Center at UNAM (2) Connecting the Texas A&M University Virtual Networking Lab to the gateway (3) Linking distance learning studios at Texas A&M University and UNAM
The user population for the project is as diverse as the institution's populations and includes:
(1) Texas A&M University Educational Broadcasting Services (2) Texas A&M University Architecture Study Abroad students and faculty (3) Texas A&M University Latin American Study Program (4) Texas A&M University Chemistry Department (5) DGSCA-UNAM (6) Mexican students in U.S. continuing education programs (7) Mexican networking students and personnel needing hands-on continuing networking education.