Proposal Number: 0435341 Principal Investigator: Liu, Qingchong Institution: Oakland University
Proposal Number: 0435155 Principal Investigator: Chunming Qiao Institution: SUNY at Buffalo
Proposal Title: Collaborative Research: NeTS-NR: Ultra-Broadband Optical Wireless Communication Networks
This collaborative research project undertakes a multidisciplinary approach to optical wireless communications (OWC) networks and focuses on the first/last mile between the existing fiber-optic backbone and many homes and small of-fice buildings. The project aims at developing novel OWC networking and communications theory and techniques including those at the physical layer that overcome the scintillation (variation in light intensity) caused by the at-mospheric turbulence in OWC networks through sub-carrier modulation and coding, and those at the link and network layers that take into consideration the unique capabilities and constraints of OWC when designing optimal topol-ogy, survivable routing, and innovative dynamic reconfiguration algorithms to mitigate the negative effects of heavy or dense fog, as well as reduce the per link cost. As a result of the project effort, an OWC ring network will be built, running multimedia applications. The success of the project is expected to pro-vide an affordable ultra-broadband first/last mile access, enable new multime-dia applications to be delivered to residential homes and small office buildings, and serve as a stepping stone to the integration of heterogeneous technologies based on radio frequency (e.g., Wireless Local Area Networks, WLAN, and cellu-lar networks) and fibers.
Dr. Admela Jukan Program Director, CISE/CNS Aug 5, 2004.