Proposal Number: 0435393 Principal Investigator: Fumagalli, Andrea Institution: University of Texas at Dallas
Proposal Number: 0435381 Principal Investigator: Rongqing Hui Institution: University of Kansas Center for Research Inc
Proposal Title: NeTS-NR: Collaborative Research: High-Speed Self-Configuring Networks Based on Cost-Effective Plug-and-Play Optical (PPO) Nodes
This project envisions and investigates a future ad-hoc multi-gigabit network infrastructure connecting a very large number of inexpensive optical nodes. Us-ers will connect nodes via already installed fibers by a simple plug-and-play op-eration. An on-board optical micro-lab, advanced transmission models, and an intensive signal processing are the key components to design network protocols that are able to intelligently adjust optical data flows and wavelength selection and to enable the plug-and-play node operation. The objective of this research is to identify the required technologies, to study protocols and algorithms, to develop suitable transmission models, to design and fabricate critical parts of an integrated optical micro-lab that will make the envisioned scenario a reality, and to amalgamate all the achieved results for proving the PPO node concept feasibility.
Dr. Admela Jukan Program Director, CISE/CNS Aug 5, 2004.