Proposal Number: 0435490 Principal Investigator: Ramasubramanian, Srinivasan Institution: University of Arizona
Proposal Number: 0434872 Principal Investigator: Somani, Arun Institution: Iowa state University
Proposal Number: 0434956 Principal Investigator: Subramaniam, Suresh Institution: George Washington University
Proposal Title: Collaborative Research: NeTS-NR: Evolutionary Architectures for Ultra-Broadband Access Networks
There is a significant mismatch between core and access network capacities currently prevalent. In order to stimulate viable large-scale fiber deployment in the last mile, an evolutionary approach to building high-capacity access net-works is called for. This project develops such an approach by providing solu-tions that can evolve starting from lower-cost wireless-based ones to the ulti-mate fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) solution. Architectural solutions for metro net-works and neighborhood access networks that allow high-speed packet switch-ing and provide efficient aggregation methods to multiplex bandwidth from vari-ous access points are developed. In particular, an evolutionary path from more cost-effective wireless and free-space optics-based solutions to FTTH for neighborhood networking is developed. Solutions ranging from high-speed elec-tronic packet-switching to all-optical WDM/TDM for metro networking are also investigated. Analytical modeling and simulation tools to evaluate the perform-ance of the architectures are also provided. By targeting a critical area in future networking infrastructure research, the project's outcomes will have immediate and wide practical implications in network development. The results of the pro-ject will lead to a roadmap for the development of the next generation access network infrastructure.
Dr. Admela Jukan Program Director, CISE/CNS Aug 19, 2004.