ITWF Program - FY04 CNS 0451269 PI Eileen Trauth, Pennsylvania State U. Title ITWF/EWF PI Conference 2004
Pennsylvania State University has received an ITWF award to organize an ITWF and ITR/EWF Principal Investigators' Workshop to be held in Philadelphia in October, 2004. The workshop will foster intellectual discussion on the under-representation of women and minorities in the information technology (IT) workforce and in IT education.
The intellectual merit of the workshop is provided by incorporating throughout the planned program, presentations and discussions on the under-representation of women and minorities in the IT workforce and in IT education. There are numerous opportunities for PIs and Co-PIs studying these and related areas to meet, discuss and work together on these important topics.
A goal of the ITWF program is to encourage multidisciplinary work on the under-representation issue. The broader impact of this workshop lies in the opportunities for a significant number of scientists from IT disciplines, the social sciences and education, to share information on multiple projects related to this goal, which in turn will help spread this information among more groups of researchers. In addition, a conference proceedings, including summaries of each of the participants' projects will be made available to workshop participants and also as a PDF file on the Web for broader dissemination.