The Fifth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets-V, will be held in Irvine, CA on November 29-30, 2006. The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers in the networking systems community to engage in lively discussion of future trends in networking research and technology. The workshop will provide a venue for researchers to present and discuss ideas that have the potential to significantly impact the community in the long term; its goal is to promote community-wide discussions of those ideas. Work introduced at HotNets-V, once fully thought through, completed, and written up in a finished form, will grow into papers accepted at SIGCOMM or other quality conferences. This award funds ten US-based graduate students to attend this meeting.
Intellectual Merit: Participation in workshops like this is an extremely important part of the graduate school experience, providing the opportunity to interact with more senior researchers and to be exposed to leading edge work in the field.
Broader Impact: The support requested in this proposal will enable the participation of students who would otherwise be unable to attend HotNets-V.