The SDR 09 Technical Conference and Product Exhibition will be held December 1st to 4th in Washington D.C. This preeminent technical conference is the primary venue for presenting new research results in the software define and cognitive radio technologies including multimode/multiprotocol terminal design, Multimode Terminal and Infrastructure Design, Security Services, Mobile Ad-Hoc and Dynamic Spectrum Access Networking, Standards, Certification and Validation, Testing and Tools. Participants have the opportunity to present their work, attend panel and keynote talk sessions, and interact with many others performing leading-edge research in the field.
Attending this conference will provide students with exposure to industry and the real problems they will face when entering the workforce in the design, development, manufacture and deployment of advanced wireless systems. Such exposure will help them to better understand how their course work at university applies in a real world setting, and will accelerate the pace at which they become productive upon graduation. At the conference they will meet and interact the leading researchers and practitioners in this field.
This award will support approximately 16 graduate and undergraduate students to attend this premiere conference. Travel scholarships will be awarded to students based on academic merit and preference will be given to students under-represented in science and engineering.