This project will develop foundational principles for hierarchical wireless network design by leveraging full-duplex transmissions in both access and wireless backhaul. Full-duplex is most promising at shorter ranges, and hence is fortuitously aligned with the predicted dominant access range in future networks. Furthermore, larger full-duplex ranges are feasible in infrastructure-to-infrastructure links, and hence are well suited for backhaul links. While full-duplex is well-aligned with the key elements of hierarchical networks, our current design principles are largely developed for half-duplex transmissions which is the basis for all current networks. With that in mind, this project will address both theory and protocols for hierarchical full-duplex networks by looking at: (1) data-driven signal models for self-interference caused by the node's own transmission to its own receiver, (2) theoretical foundations for scheduling and routing that leverage both self-interference and multi-hop interference cancellation; and (3) protocols and prototypes for network scale full-duplex resource management.
Full-duplex breaks one of the basic design constraints in current wireless networks, all of which are either half-duplex in time or frequency; it will therefore rewrite wireless networking fundamentals. Further, with emphasis on realizable networks using extensive Rice University's programmable testbeds, the project will impact the next-generation of wireless networks via its corporate partners. Finally, the project team will establish a unique inter-university education and research program, which will include joint advising and collaborative advising and leverage the team's complementary expertise.