Large scale Internet testbeds such as PlanetLab and GENI are widely used by the academic community. Unfortunately, wireless infrastructure to support wireless networking systems research is not as prevalent. Projects such as Orbit and GENI/WiMAX provide a valuable service framework, but these wireless testbeds are limited in scale in terms of geographic footprint as well as in terms of diversity of radio access and device technology. Not only the networking community but also application domain specific research communities such as environmental sensing and intelligent transportation systems require wireless cyberinfrastructure. Currently the effort required to design and deploy wireless infrastructure to support such research 'in the wild' imposes a significant burden on projects.
The proposed project builds and trials a nationwide wireless network that supports the academic research community called the network the Science Wireless Network or SciWiNet. SciWiNet is based on a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) model: SciWiNet (a collaboration between Clemson University and Rutgers University) represents the Service Operator; the operator of the NVMO infrastructure represents the Carrier of Record and FCC license holder; the Wireless Network Operator (WNO)owns the underlying spectrum and network infrastructure. The underlying infrastructure is not under investigation. Instead, this project is developing and evaluating a possible service framework that can support a broad set of academic researchers and which can integrate campus-provided wireless infrastructure. More specifically, the objectives of this project are to: 1. Evaluate the efficacy of an MVNO model to provide a wireless testbed for the academic research community; 2. Integrate and build upon innovations and resources made available from the GENI community; 3. Develop appropriate support for the community of SciWiNet users that are from outside the networking research community; 4. Identify viable paths by which SciWiNet can evolve to become a self-sustaining, national resource.
This project will enable research that currently not feasible because of the limited coverage of existing GENI/WiMax base stations, including research in areas such as eHealth, intelligent transportation systems, smart buildings and structures, homeland security, and Internet of Things. It is expected that the combination of campus provided wireless access and the NVMO will facilitate development and deployment of new applications and will be instrumental in educating students to consider the combination of theory and practice in complex heterogeneous wireless systems.
SciWiNet is an NSF community resource which offers mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) based cellular data services to researchers using Sprint's 3G, WiMAX, and LTE networks. The service was motivatedby the fact that an increasing number of experiments in the social, environmental and other sciences require Internet connectivity from mobile or embedded devices in the field. In addition, network and wireless researchers working with GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovation) facility for experiments at campus sites often need to maintain application connectivity outside GENI coverage areas. There are also a variety of educational needs, especially in Computer Scienece and Electrical Engineering, for wide-area wireless connectivity. SciWiNet was proposed as a means for serving these diverse NSF community needs.The SciWiNet project is a collaborative effort between Clemson University and RutgersUniversity. The Clemson team has focused on management and community aspects of the MVNO arrangement, while the Rutgers team has worked on integration with GENI 4G effort and development of tools and proof-of-concept applications. The main project outcomes from the Rutgers team are: Development of an application for managing WiMAX configuration of SciWiNet devices so that they can be transparently used in Sprint’s coverage areas as well as on GENI WiMAX campuses. Development of an application that can be used as a multi-vendor, heterogeneous networks connectivity characterization tool. Proof-of-concept FIA application development on top of multi-provider MVNO model Classrom use of MVNO devices to support wireless performance evaluation of the cellular system SciWiNet ideas and concepts were discussed at a number of GENI conferences as well as at two major research gatherings: at Mobicom in form of a research panel and at CAIDA AIMS workshop.