The project will undertake activities to launch a new Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for cyber research, hosted jointly by Georgetown University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The vision of the center is to foster multi-disciplinary collaborations for the revolutionizing roles of cyber security, management, applications, regulation, and training (Cyber SMART). These collaborations are necessary for the laws, policies, and regulations to develop and evolve in tandem with new cyber technological innovations. Cyber SMART brings researchers from business, computer science, engineering and law from multiple universities to collaborate with public and private sector affiliates to define the cross-disciplinary agenda.
Cyber SMART at RPI brings a range of complementary capabilities to Cyber SMART, integrating RPI’s well-established strengths in computer science, data sciences, and quantitative finance. The methodological thrusts at RPI in machine learning/artificial intelligence, natural language processing, distributed ledger technologies, and network analytics, will be utilized to support innovations in payments, lending, financing, insurance, and trading/investing. Cyber SMART at RPI will also develop innovations in important segments of the real economy, such as, health care, supply chains, and green finance. Cyber SMART at RPI will conduct research on developing and evaluating innovations and their applications to support the regulatory needs.
Cyber SMART at RPI team is diverse by ethnicity, gender and discipline, with each member being committed to enhance student diversity and cross-disciplinary training. Results of the center’s projects will be integrated into curriculum of departments across RPI to train students on risks and advances in cyber systems, financial technologies and applications. Resources at RPI campus and collaborations with professional organizations will be utilized for developing research experience for undergraduates, K-12 outreach, and improving minority and gender diversity of student body. Cyber SMART at RPI will work with industry affiliates to engage regulators in guiding cyber and FinTech policies.
This planning grant will support a workshop held at Stevens, jointly with RPI, to engage with potential industry affiliates of Cyber SMART to explore research projects of mutual interest. Stevens has proximity to Manhattan and ties with the financial industry; RPI is equidistant from Boston and New York City, and has ties with financial and technology industry; Georgetown is in Washington DC, with proximity to regulators. The workshop will invite participation from banks, insurers, regulators, exchanges, and FinTech companies. The content generated from the workshop, such as agenda, presentations, will be permanently hosted at Stevens’ Hanlon Financial Systems Lab.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.