The NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) on Robots and Sensors for Human Well-Being (ROSE-HUB) Phase II will play a leadership role in nurturing and acceler-ating the deployment of robotics and intelligent sensor technologies in a wide range of application domains key to the national economy, e.g., transportation, energy, logistics, manufacturing, and infrastructure and the well-being of the society, e.g., in healthcare. The ROSE-HUB center will facilitate center university researchers to work with partners from industry, government, other universities, and non-profit organizations to seek solutions to critical real-world challenges.

The Penn ROSE-HUB site will leverage advances in computer vision, aerial and marine autono-mous vehicles, sensing, and artificial intelligence to develop novel robotic and sensing systems for environmental monitoring and mapping. Targeted applications include the improvement of agricultural yields and land management, inspection and health monitoring of critical infrastruc-ture GPS denied locations, water quality monitoring in major waterways, and assessment of work progress in construction sites. The systems will be developed to balance operation timeli-ness, cost, and the accuracy of the environmental representation. These activities will result in novel robotic and sensing systems aimed at aerial and marine applications.

Center research will focus on applications including physical/mental health, robots and sensor systems to assist humans, innovative robot designs for monitoring and data collection, precision agriculture, digitization of construction processes, intelligent transportation systems, etc. Re-search will impact: a) industrial members by inserting research into product pipelines, b) re-searchers by exploring new ideas and application domains, c) students by providing hands-on experience and future employment potential, and d) academic curricula. Additionally, annual technology days will attract middle school students from underrepresented groups to engineer-ing, and outreach programs to local K-16 institutions will encourage pursuit of engineering educa-tion.

The project will create hardware and software and collect experimental data from fixed and mo-bile robots, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and sensors. A database for data management and dissemination will be established. The software components include: (i) system framework software (e.g., low-level software that operates electro-mechanical systems, i.e., robots, UAVs, etc.), (ii) software for planning, control, sensing, and learning algorithms, (iii) software for demon-stration testbeds and prototypes. The data retention period is five years after the conclusion of the award. The data will be released as it becomes available to the site.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS)
Application #
Program Officer
Behrooz Shirazi
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
University of Pennsylvania
United States
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