Responding to a charge of the 99th Congress for "a study of critical problems and current and future options regarding communications networks for research computers, including supercomputers, at universities and Federal research facilities in the United States," the Federal Coordinating Council for Science Engineering and Technology will convene a workshop/conference of communications and supercomputer experts from universities, industry, and Federal research centers. The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) has agreed to host this planning workshop/conference on February 16 - 20, SDSC will plan the logistics of the meeting and assist in the preparation of advance materials and provide an "on site" overview of a supercomputer center and a communication operation center at their headquarters near the University of California, San Diego. This proposal for a planning conference is exempt from peer review under Circular No. 132 4.c.(3)(b). Based on the foregoing, DNCRI recommends that a grant be made to the GA Technologies for $13,688 to host a Planning Conference/Workshop for the study of current and future options regarding advances in computer networks.