9619861 Berque, David DePauw University REU: Research Experiences in Computer Science for Students at Undergraduate Institutions This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site project supports 9 students per year in programs carried out during the summers, for three years. Participating students are grouped into three research teams each comprised of three students and one faculty mentor. The students work on projects involving robotics, pen-based computing, and modeling of file system performance. They have full access to the computing facilities of the University including specialized equipment such as a laser operated white board which supports one of the projects. Activities include conducting research as part of a team, disseminating results, and participating in a community of scholars. Substantial effort is placed on recruiting students underrepresented in computing, particularly women, and students from non-research institutions. Participants have normally completed their sophomore or junior year of college and are majoring in computer science.