9711141 Warsi, Nazir A. Rogers, Erika Clark Atlanta University (CAU) CISE MII: CAU Interactive and Intelligent Systems Research and Education Laboratory Through NSF Interactive/Intelligent Research Laboratory an infrastructure is being established to support the development of a competitive integrated research and student training program in computer science. For a long-term impact, the research activities are being organized under thrusts of intelligent systems, display systems, and distributed parallel systems. The related synergistic research is being conducted via fifteen projects on topics such as recognition/detection systems, data mining, visual problem solving in robotics and medical technology, virtual reality (sense of presence), and efficient distributed parallel computing models and their dynamic reconfiguration. The laboratory is planned to focus on key activities to have an unprecedented impact on the state of minorities in the computer science field. Through this effort, Clark Atlanta University is expected to develop its computing science research capabilities and a viable base of PhD caliber minority students, paving the way for an eventual doctoral program. It is hoped that through the efforts of the laboratory, the nation is helped in building a better racially and ethnically balanced technological enterprise for the benefit of its present and future generations.