The National Research Council will convene a committee to oversee a one-day workshop that will identify issues surrounding the release to the public domain of genomic data for bioterrorism threat agents. This workshop will be designed to complement related NRC activities, including the January 9, 2003 workshop on "Dual Use" Information in the Life Sciences, the January 23-24, 2003 workshop on Biotechnology and Bioterrorism: Anticipating Future Threats and Countermeasures, and the ongoing study on Improving Research Standards and Practices to Prevent the Misuse of Biotechnology Research. The committee will be appointed in accordance with standard NRC procedures designed to ensure that the membership has appropriate expertise and lacks inappropriate bias. The appointment of the committee will follow the solicitation of suggested members from sponsors, NRC board members and other experts in the field of bioterrorism. The committee will then design an agenda and identify and invite speakers for the one-day workshop. The agenda will be designed to facilitate interaction and discussion on the following questions. --What are the categories of genomic data that present the greatest concern? --What are the pros and cons of unlimited versus restricted access to such data, including threats posed to the scientific community or to national security? --What are some options for making decisions about release to the public domain? Following the workshop the committee will author a report based upon the results of the workshop. The workshop and subsequent report will enhance understanding of the policy issues surrounding the release to the public domain of information on the genomic sequence data of bioterrorism threat agents. A diverse community, including the interagency genomics coordinating committee, will benefit from the dialogue and later the final report, which can be used to continue the debate about these issues and move national and international policy forward. The project will be completed within August 31, 2003.