Berry College will host 6, 8 and 10 students, in the summers of 2004, 2005, and 2006 respectively in 10-week REU internship programs in biology. Our program is designed to provide hands-on research opportunities for undergraduates, particularly those from groups traditionally underrepresented in the sciences. Student selection will be based on research interests, career goals, and academic achievement. We will recruit students in a manner that will ensure a culturally diverse group of participants, with at least one student each summer who is training to become a high school biology teacher. The core of the internship will be a broad program in basic and applied biological research, designed to take advantage of Berry's key resources (a new state-of-the-art science facility, a faculty highly active in faculty-student research, and a 28,000 acre campus). Research projects will include studies of striped bass migration and spawning, the biological vectors of Trypanosoma, movement and vocalization patterns of coyote, the effects of fire management on mountain longleaf pine restoration, and studies of the physiology of oak seedling development - among others. Most studies take advantage of Berry's enormous campus and its diversity of natural habitats. While at Berry, students will participate in a weekly seminar series designed to improve communication skills, explore biological ethics, and orient them to graduate schools and careers in biology. Students will complete the program by presenting a research seminar at an on-campus symposium, a formal presentation at a regional, national, or international meeting, and by collaborating in the preparation of a scientific manuscript. For further information and application materials, please contact Dr. Martin Cipollini at, phone (706) 290-2149, or visit