The Populus genome has been sequenced to a 7.5X depth, a BAC-based physical map has been created, and an initial draft assembly containing more than 90% of the euchromatic genome has been constructed. We will consolidate these resources by integrating all Populus genomic information and resources into a web-based portal that will provide direct access to the entire genomics community and promote further functional and comparative genomic research among all plant species.
Among biologically derived materials, wood-based products are second only to maize in their monetary contribution to the U.S. economy. The genus Populus, including poplars, cottonwoods and aspens, is recognized as a model for forest tree research due to its ease of propagation, relatively short reproductive cycle, small genome size, and transformability. Populus is also of major ecological importance, and the genomics tools derived from this study will provide a new platform for investigation of ecosystem processes. Populus is uniquely positioned taxonomically relative to Medicago and Arabidopsis, allowing rigorous comparison of genetic differences underlying species with similar complements of genes but contrasting life histories and growth habits. This project will thus enable the Populus, Medicago and Arabidopsis genome resources to be used synergistically to provide breakthrough insights into the molecular underpinnings of contrasting plant life histories.
The Populus Genome Portal will be accessible through