Indiana University's REU program will provide students with intensive research experience in an area of animal behavior, combined with an introduction to science as a profession. The goal is to increase students' likelihood of entry into graduate training and jobs in science. Students are matched with individual labs and have the opportunity to perform and complete their own research projects--including analyzing data, preparing findings in a poster format, and presenting at a concluding symposium. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary environment beginning with introductory seminar meetings with a range of Animal Behavior faculty, and includes exposure to techniques of conducting genetic and neuroendocrine assays, collecting data in zoos, and making science accessible to the public. Students receive training in reasoning applied to the conduct of science with an emphasis on basic and applied animal behavior research, assistance in how to present research, strategies in taking GRE tests, and career options in science and education. Because the core emphasis is on the research experience, the scheduling of training events is designed to allow students to begin work in their home laboratories during the first week of the program. Students from institutions with limited research opportunities for research and those from groups under-represented in science are especially encouraged to apply. More information is available at or by contacting Linda Summers, (812) 855-9663,