This award funds the acquisition of a microarray scanner and a "Lab on a Chip" RNA Bioanalyzer for an undergraduate college. The instruments will provide faculty and students with the ability to undertake genomics level experiments by giving them the ability to quantify small amounts of RNA and to scan microarray slides. The instruments will benefit a variety of research projects in the Biochemistry-Chemistry and Biology programs including (1) changes in gene expression during the adaptation of algae to low temperatures, (2) using molecular data to examine evolutionary relationships among deep sea vent organisms and their symbiotic partners, and (3) the effects of water and sediment pollution on gene expression in winter flounder.
The acquisition of these instruments will significantly enhance the research capability and student training at the college. Undergraduates are involved in the research of all of the senior personnel in this project. The instrumentation will also be used to train students in classes such as Biotechnology, Developmental Biology, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Systematics, and Plant Physiology.