This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
Support from the NSF MRI-R2 program has allowed The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey to acquire a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with video capabilities, scanning sonar for ranging and avoidance, an acoustic /GPS navigation system, gripper/cutter collection tools, integrated computer controls for sonar, navigation and video storage, and a water quality data logging sonde. The ROV can operate in estuarine and coastal waters to a depth of 150 m, and will augment research, teaching and training capabilities in biology and marine science. The acquisition of the ROV will enable research on the population genetics of the northern star coral, a temperate reef organism, the ecology of artificial reef colonization and utilization, stock assessment of scallop populations, linkage between estuarine and inshore water quality and mapping and delineation of Essential Fish Habitat. The data collected by faculty and students will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journal articles, and via a publicly available project wiki based website and also through the Stockton College website, thereby allowing access to the broader community and contributing to the National Science Digital Library. The ROV would also enhance teaching and training of a large number of students in research, in this primarily undergraduate institution.