This REU Site award to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), located in Cold Spring Harbor, NY, will support the training of ten students for ten weeks during the summers of 2016-2018. This award is supported by the Division of Biological Infrastructure in the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) and the Division for Mathematical Sciences in the Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS).CSHL's REU in Bioinformatics and Computational Neuroscience (BCN) provides participants with an exceptional research experience, integrating genomics and neuroscience through shared analysis tools. Spanning genomes, cells, organisms and the brain, the program trains students to approach complex biological systems quantitatively. Students conduct full-time, independent research under the mentorship of one of CSHL's approximately 50 faculty members working in genomics, quantitative biology, and neuroscience. Participants have access to state-of-the-art technologies, such as high-throughput sequencing and two-photon imaging, and attend lab meetings and research seminars. The REU curriculum includes workshops on quantitative techniques, responsible conduct of research, scientific communication, and scientific careers. The REU culminates with a symposium in which participants present their work to CSHL's scientific community. Students are housed on CSHL's 110-acre campus, within walking distance of laboratories and dining halls. Participants receive room and board and a summer stipend and have access to campus amenities. Students apply online, supplying a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and academic records. REU participants are selected based on academics, motivation, and demonstrated potential.
It is anticipated that 30 students, primarily from schools with limited research opportunities or those from underrepresented groups, will be trained in CSHL's REU in BCN. Participants will learn to interrogate biological questions with computational tools and techniques. Through the 10-week REU experience, participants will learn how research is conducted. Many will present the results of their work at national scientific conferences, furthering their identity as independent scientists.
A common web-based assessment tool used by all REU programs funded by the Division of Biological Infrastructure (Directorate for Biological Sciences) is used to determine the effectiveness of the training program. Students are tracked after the program to determine career paths. Students will be asked to respond to an automatic email sent via the NSF reporting system. More information about the program is available by visiting, or by contacting the PI (Dr. Anne Churchland,, the co-PI (Dr. Michael Schatz,