The specific objectives of this proposal are (1) to develop a unified software program which will optimize the sensitivity and spatial resolution of computer-controlled acquisition and analysis of electron probe x-ray spectral data from biological thin sections, and (2) to increase productivity by making the quantitative analysis portion of the program readily available to each participating investigator, who will then be able to process her/his data off-line on an inexpensive microcomputer. The software development goals of this project are (1) to provide and develop quantitative imaging techniques for electron probe information and (2) to provide and develop multi-user imaging and database facilities which are totally compatible with image information from other (non-electron) sources, such as light microscopy, which are used for microchemical imaging. These specific objectives and goals are motivated by the biological goal of determining how structural and ionic compartmentation relates to the mechanisms involved in maintaining intracellular ionic homeostasis in a variety of cell and tissue types.