This award provides funds to the Department of Biochemistry at Colorado State University to continue a successful Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site. The program in Molecular Biosciences will enable qualified undergraduates to do independent research projects in a range of areas and using a variety of experimental approaches. Biochemistry/molecular biology employs the methods of chemistry, physics, cellular biology, microbiology, and genetic manipulation to study the structure and function of complex biomolecules, how these molecules generate the phenomenon we call life, and how alterations in these molecules perturb the living organism. Because of its breadth, biochemistry/molecular biology serves to integrate didactic and experiential material learned in a multitude of basic science courses. The REU program is designed to ?a! offer the participants a wide variety of research areas from which to choose an independent studies project; ?b! offer project areas that are meaningful and exciting to the student; ?c! teach the student how to formulate and test hypotheses; ?d! help develop the ability to trouble-shoot and problem-solve when confronted with the unexpected; ?e! instruct the participant in state-of-the-art techniques and instrumentation of biochemistry/molecular biology; ?f! develop the ability to communicate with one's peers concerning ongoing research efforts as well as more formal presentations of completed research projects; and, ?g! provide, in CSU faculty and in outside scientists invited to speak to the REU students, role models that will reinforce the intellectual excitement of a scientific career; and ?h! render assistance to the participants in applying for graduate studies and fellowships.