This proposal requests funds to purchase equipment that will build upon and enhance existing research capabilities in the area of molecular microbial biology in the Department of Microbiology. The funds requested will not only provide state-of-the-art equipment to enhance the department's research programs, but will also strengthen the department's capabilities for training graduate and undergraduate students in the most modern techniques in molecular microbial biology. The P.I. (Mary E. Woodworth), and the Co-P.I.s (Luis A. Actis, J.K. Bhattacharjee, Joseph M.Carlin, and Gary R. Janssen) have well-developed research programs in molecular microbial biology. In addition, the five other faculty members in the Department of Microbiology have active research programs that will benefit from the use of this equipment. The focus of the research to be conducted within the scope of this proposal is broad in that it will encompass research projects on regulatory mechanisms of viral DNA replication, genetic and molecular analysis of iron acquisition systems in bacteria, the molecular genetics of Iysine biosynthesis in yeast, the molecular mechanisms of regulation of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and the translation of leaderless mRNAs in bacteria. The training of undergraduate and graduate students in the department's teaching and research laboratories will become more sophisticated and appropriate to today's special need for first-rate graduates in science and for scientifically literate citizens. The laboratory course in Microbial and Molecular Genetics for undergraduate and graduate students will be described as an example of how the requested equipment will accomplish these goals.