We propose to establish controlled environment space at the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, a center for ecological studies administered by the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of Pittsburgh. With four new appointments in Ecology, plans for additional appointments in the near future, a five-year program of research land purchases, the construction of new research and residential buildings discussions of new programmatic initiatives in Environmental Science, and generous funding packages for the four new ecology faculty since 1993, the University has demonstrated a long-term commitment to building the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology into a superb ecological research and education center. Controlled environment space at the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology will fill a critical need in the growing program. The active and growing group of scientists and educators at PLE will ensure ample use and productivity from this investment. The controlled environment space will consist of three 15 ft2 controlled environment chambers, capable of providing a wide range of temperatures. light levels and humidifies; a germination/incubation chamber, and a control system which allows remote monitoring and programming of the environmental control systems. Matching, funds from the University of Pittsburgh will provide partial coverage of the cost of chamber purchase. preparation space. modifications of the building climate control system and electrical system, purchase of the computer and communications hardware for interfacing with the remote programming and monitoring system and purchase and installation of a water purification system. Five user groups propose specific research for controlled environment space. This research includes 1 Propagation of distinct allocation genotypes in Plantago ianceolata for examination of the role of genetic variation in carbon and nitrogen :allocation patterns for fitness variation under elevated atmospheric carbon concentration . 2 Controlled matings of field-collected Arabis Ivrata for use in studies of the genetic architecture of local evolution. 3. Estimates of mating, systems for four populations of Collinsia verna to determine the evolutionary liability of mating system parameters in natural populations. 4. Studies of seed bank demography in natural populations of Collinsia verna to understand the population genetic and demographic consequences of near-extinction in natural populations. 5. Manipulation of phenological state in wild-collected Fragaria virginiana plants to examine genetic variation in gender expression and floral display and its fitness consequences.. 6. Production and diapause manipulation of phytophagous insects for dose-response curves of herbivory on competitive ability in field populations of plants. 7. Clonal propagation of wild-collected genotypes Solidago altissima differing in allocational patterns for use in field studies of selection on allocation as a proximal mechanism for selection on competitive ability. In addition to these major user groups. ;l substantial number of researchers from small colleges in the surrounding area have a commitment to work ~ Phymatuning and would make occasional use of controlled environments. The requested controlled environment space would also be a strong asset to Phymatuning Laboratory s successful teaching program Tonsor the new director of the Phymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, will be responsible for the administration of the controlled environment space. A committee will be established, initially consisting of the heads of the listed use, groups. to make policy and space assignment decisions. The cost of maintenance will be recovered from bench fees charged for use of PLE, laboratory fees for courses using the space, grant overhead return funds, and new increment to the general operating budget of the Phymatuning, Laboratory of Ecology.