9602257 Mendoza This award provides limited additional funds to an established multidisciplinary Research Training Group (RTG) in Animal Behavior. First established in 1992, the RTG has helped create a focus for research and education at all post- secondary levels in the University of California at Davis. The study of animal behavior provides new insights into the study of animals as organisms. Increasingly, multidisciplinary approaches that recognize the interaction of genetic, developmental, physiological and environmental determinants are playing an important role in the analysis of behavior. The group of participating faculty has grown to include 26 junior and senior investigators from 10 departments of the University. The funds awarded will provide short-term stipends for graduate students that permit summer fieldwork and other summer research activities. In addition, funds will be used to bring investigators from other research and academic institutions to the campus for an intensive spring workshop that caps a year-long course in interdisciplinary studies of animal behavior open to all students.. ***