This group of researchers is interested in diverse aspects of fundamental cell biology. Dr. Lemmon studies vesicular transport in yeast. Dr. Brady-Kalnay investigates lgsuperfamily protein tyrosine phosphatases and their link to the cytoskeleton through an association with cadherin adhesion molecules. Dr. Kung's research focuses on transcription factors and their regulation by the cell cycle. Dr. de Boer studies the mechanisms of cytokinesis and septum formation in bacteria. Each of the researchers uses immunocytochemical approaches to address issues of protein localization. This group of investigators require full access to a light microscope in order to explore basic cell biological questions. A committee, of the Pl and Co-Pls of this grant, was formed to do an extensive analysis of the available microscopes that have phase, fluorescence and DIC capabilities. Week long demonstrations were given by the following manufacturers: Nikon, Olympus, Leica, and Zeiss. During these demonstrations each of the investigators examined samples from their particular research applications. A consensus was reached that the Zeiss microscope best suited the needs of all the investigators. A quote was issued by Zeiss that included only the parts that we required to visualize each of our samples. This quote is included in the application.