9732155 The Mountain Lake Biological Station (MLBS) was founded in 1929 as a teaching and research facility of the Biology Department of the University of Virginia. It is located on a mountain top in the Allegheny Mountains of southwestern Virginia. For almost twenty years MLBS has been developing a theme of experimental studies in ecology and evolutionary biology that has attracted a vigorous group of researchers from major colleges and universities nationwide. This REU Site continues a highly successful program that has provided opportunities for ten students to spend ten weeks each summer at MLBS conducting their own independent research projects in the area of population biology. Student projects are overseen by field biologists who return to MLBS year after year because of its biological diversity and range of research opportunities and resources. REU participants are selected for their enthusiasm for field research, scientific sophistication, and interest in pursuing the sciences of ecology or evolution as a career path. Admission is highly competitive; less than 10% of applicants are accepted. Participants design, execute, interpret, and present their own studies. Many projects are published in peer-reviewed journals. Not including 1997 participants, 42% of REU students have gone on to pursue graduate degrees in biology. Students also have the chance to interact closely with other undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral and faculty researchers, and teaching faculty. REU participants attend weekly seminars on the conduct of scientific research and life as an academic. The meetings allow regular periods for students to share questions, concerns and discoveries. Participation in the program is open to any undergraduate conducting independent research at MLBS, whether they are supported by the NSF/REU Site grant or not. This serves to foster a greater sense of collaboration and interaction among research groups at the station.