A grant has been awarded to Dr. Rosemary Gillespie and Ms. Mandy Heddle at the University of California at Berkeley to study the evolution and ecology of a group of moths found only in the Hawaiian Islands. Some of these moths are able to feed on only one species of plant (specialists), while others have a broad diet feeding on many different species of plants (generalists), a phenomenon that Gillespie and Heddle will investigate. They hypothesize there is an evolutionary component to the host plant choices a moth makes, such that specialized species are unable to expand their host plant range. The inability to diversify to alternative food sources may make these species more susceptible to extinction. By examining the evolutionary relationships among these moths, they aim to test this hypothesis and detect specialist species that may be at risk from extinction. To do this, relationships among the moths will be determined using molecular (DNA sequences) and morphological data. In addition, field collections of caterpillars will allow them to examine the host-plant associations of each species.
The Hawaiian Islands have more endangered animals and plants than any other state. The moths in this study are an integral part of Hawaii's forest ecosystems; they are important prey items for birds and other insects and different species can feed on both native and non-native plants. However, identification guides are non-existent, and it is generally impossible to associate ecological information with a given species. This poses serious problems for conservation, preventing the development of any effective management or recovery plans for rare species. As part of this study an interactive guide to moths will be produced on CD that will include images of adults and larvae, facilitating easy identification. This guide will be made available to land managers, federal agencies, and research institutions.