Large-scale ecological questions are best answered using networked research approaches. Networked research promotes cooperative data collection with standard methods by multiple research teams working at different sites across large areas. Networked research and the large, complex datasets that emerge present new research and teaching opportunities for faculty at smaller, teaching-focused institutions. However, faculty at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) face challenges to engaging independently due to a lack of time, personnel, and financial resources. It is vital that we overcome these barriers so that faculty can provide students with access to networked research experiences that will prepare them for scientific careers. This project brings together faculty from undergraduate teaching-focused institutions, including members of the well-established Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN). EREN will collaborate with experts on the open data provided by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and researchers and educational material creators from Project EDDIE (Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry & Exploration). Intentional, focused EREN-NEON-EDDIE partnerships will allow these organizations to better meet their shared goal of increased understanding of large-scale ecological phenomena, and will create new teaching materials to improve student data literacy and launch networked research projects.
Faculty participants from PUIs will gather for a 3-day/3-night workshop at Belmont University in Nashville, TN, in June 2020 that is focused on three themes: (1) Expand the NEON user community by increasing participation of PUI faculty and students, (2) Develop new teaching modules in collaboration with Project EDDIE leaders based on NEON and EREN datasets that enhance data literacy of undergraduate students, and (3) Identify new complementary research projects using data from both EREN and NEON to address large-scale research questions. The workshop outcomes include open access papers on best practices for improving PUI faculty large dataset skills, meeting generalized student learning goals, and assessment strategies for data literacy in large-scale ecology. At least three new teaching modules centered on NEON or EREN datasets will be developed, tested, and made available. Also, at least three novel EREN networked research project ideas will be developed to use of NEON data and/or collect supplementary data in partnership with NEON to address environmental and ecological questions. Faculty leaders of the teaching modules and research projects will meet again in June 2021 to ensure development, publication, and dissemination of these resources.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.