Workshops in molecular evolution will be offered at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole in 1991, 1992 and 1993. The goal is to provide an opportunity for organismal, evolutionary and population biologists to learn about the powerful tools of molecular biology while providing molecular/cell biologists with an enriched understanding of evolutionary theory. Lectures exploring multiple approaches to molecular evolution will be supplemented by a computer workshop for the analysis of protein and genetic sequences. The workshop is designed for established investigators, college and university professors, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from diverse biological fields. The theoretical basis of comparative sequence analysis and phylogenetic tree construction will be presented as well as lectures about the application of molecular techniques to problems in ecology and population packages for analysis of molecular data on different computer systems including workstations, personal computers and large mainframes. Guided by authors for phylogenetic software packages, the students will have the opportunity to compare different data analysis techniques for molecular data.