The Orchidaceae contains perhaps 1500 species or 18% of the Costa Rican flora. No single reference exists for determining the orchids of this floristically complex region of Central America. The objectives of this proposal are (1) to continue an intensive collecting program of Costa Rican Orchidaceae, and (2) to prepare the first volume of a comprehensive orchid treatment for Flora Costaricensis (Fieldiana, Botany Series). The treatments in this volume will be prepared by John Atwood, of Florida's Selby Botanical Gardens, Dora Emilia Mora of Lankester Gardens in Costa Rica, and Robert L. Dressler of Selby Gardens. Dr. Carlyle A. Luer will prepare a separate volume on the Pleurothallidinae, and Ing. Eric Hagsater and G. Salazar will be preparing treatments respectively of Epidendrum and Mormodes, both to be published at a later time. The first volume will treat approximately 74 genera and 320 species with alphabetical arrangement except for the genus Epidendrum and genera of the subtribes Pleurothallidinae and Spiranthinae. The first volume under this proposal will consist of about 200 pages with double column format. This proposal is Phase II of a seven-year project culminating in the completion of the Orchidaceae for Flora Costaricensis, a work expected to consist of approximately 800 printed pages.