9420009 HOLZENTHAL Funds from this award will be used to support the travel of international participants at the 8th International Symposium on Trichoptera (caddisflies), which will be held at the University of Minnesota and Lake Itasca, MN during July 1995. These meetings, where scientists can share their most recent research results through formal and informal discussions, take place every three years. This is only the second time one of these symposia has been held in the Western Hemisphere. Special attention will be placed on identifying and inviting caddisfly biologists from Latin America to the symposium and on sponsoring those international participants who might otherwise be unable to attend the symposium because of financial limitations. About 100 scientists from around the world are expected to participate and they will present papers on all aspects of caddisfly biology, including ecology, taxonomy, biogeography, pollution tolerance, physiology, evolution, and behavior among other topics. Publication of symposium proceedings are planned. %%% Caddisflies, or Trichoptera, are a group of aquatic insects that are best known for the cases and nets constructed by their immature stages. Caddisflies are very important participants in aquatic food webs, where their larvae serve as food for fish and in turn feed on other smaller aquatic organisms or stream debris. Caddisfly larvae are found around the world and occupy many different microhabitats. They are also very sensitive to pollution and are used as biological indicators of water quality. ***