DEB-9520567 POWERS The synthesis of proteins through gene expression is regulated by the interaction between factors that transcribe the genes and other genes that regulate the expression of the genes to be transcribed. We propose to identify the mechanisms that regulate gene expression in populations of the teleost fish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Specifically, we will investigate the structure and function of the region that regulates the transcription of a critical enzyme in intermediate metabolism, the heart-type lactate dehydrogenase (Ldh-B). We will use modern molecular techniques, such as: gene cloning, DNA sequencing, DNA footprinting, cell cuture methods, and recombinant DNA technology. With this research, we expect to develop new technologies that will allow us to better assess the genetic architecture of natural populations. These new technologies will enhance our ability to manage commerical fisheries, improve strains of fish for aquaculture, and enhance the conservation of endangered and threatened species.