The objectives of this project are to determine what spider species live in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which has a very rich but relatively unknown invertebrate fauna. In fact, the PI anticipates that as many as 60 species of spiders previously unknown to science will be discovered during the course of the study. Eighteen target habitats will be thoroughly sampled within the 207,000-hectare Park. The results of the inventory will be distributed in the form of an online database and spider identification guide that will be useful in managing Park resources, providing an educational experience for Park visitors and others, and in future ecological and systematic research on spiders. The PI will involve students in all aspects of the study, providing them with a rich experience in natural habitats and in sampling and analytical protocols. | H H + (á?áG À F G ( n H H + ( d ' ? @ -- aê ? ªá = ÓaOÀ h¢µ +'ª`0 ?  ª O 2 8 D P S u m m a r y I n f o r m a t i o n ( áááááááááááá » áááááááááááá áááááááááááá áááááááááááá d l x ? Ñ ? U + #K += ds ¼@ G? z]) > Meredith's MacHD:Applications:Microsoft Word:Templates:Normal