9707602 Ketterson This award will provide funds that will be matched by the American Ornithologist's Union (AOU) and used to help defray part of the travel costs of U.S. scientists to attend the XXIInd International Ornithological Congress to be held in Durban, South Africa, in August of 1998. The award will help allow U.S. scientists to attend numerous plenary lectures and symposia, and to participate as speakers in these and other sessions (e.g., contributed papers, round-table discussions) at the Congress. In addition, participation by U.S. scientists will facilitate exchange of new information and foster collaborative-international agreements. Selection procedures for awards from the AOU are in place, and attempts will be made to support younger scientists. Because awards by the AOU to individual scientists are fairly small, the NSF award could be used to help defray tavel costs for more than 30 scientists.