The faculty of the School of Engineering, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Education at the University of New Mexico, in partnership with the Albuquerque Public Schools, are jointly implementing a Track 1 Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Optics and Photonics Education program with the objective of improving math, science and engineering education at the 6-12 level by capitalizing on the unique existing strengths in optical science and engineering education, research and training in New Mexico, emphasizing the interdisciplinary field of modern optics and photonics.
The intellectual merit of this program is seen in its response to increasing local needs for qualified technicians, educators, engineers, and scientists in the fields of optics and photonics. In addition the project provides advanced and innovative inquiry-based science and math education for K-12 students, through the integration of specific optics and photonics topics into their studies of science and mathematics.
The broader impacts of this program are reflected in the benefits accruing to each of the participants. Specifically, the K-12 students gain increased knowledge of optics and interact with scientists and engineers; the K-12 students and the GK-12 Fellows improve their communications skills; the participating K-12 teachers become better qualified in a variety of STEM topics and have access to more educational resources; schools gain a better-qualified teacher workforce and higher student achievement scores. University benefits include enhanced collaborations among the various colleges involved, recruitment incentives attracting high quality graduate students, and a better prepared freshman population.
This project is receiving partial support from the Directorate for Engineering.
Title: Track 1, GK-12: Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Optics and Photonics Education Institution: University of New Mexico PI/Co-PI: Charles B. Fleddermann (PI), Elias J. Duryea and M. Elizabeth Everitt (Co-PIs) Partner School Districts: Albuquerque Public Schools Number of Fellows per Year: 10 graduate students Target Audience: K-12 students Setting: Urban NSF Supported Disciplines: Engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, biology and chemistry