Continuing GK-12: Learning about where we live: Marine Science for Oregon Coastal Schools
This is a continuation project focused on engaging Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB) graduate GK-12 Fellows in providing targeted instruction to elementary students (grades K-6), and professional development to teachers in STEM content. STEM education will be enhanced through the presentation of marine and aquatic sciences utilizing and building upon the Marine Activities, Resources, and Education (MARE) curriculum developed at the University of California Berkeley. The intellectual merit of this proposal includes a goal to permanently improve teacher's understanding of science content, and their use of inquiry and the scientific method to teach STEM subjects. Summer workshops will familiarize Fellows with the MARE curriculum and provide practical pedagogic knowledge for teaching in K-6 classes, and an understanding of the Oregon based standards system. A MARE Lead Teacher cadre will be developed in each school district that will act as mentors for the fellows and as support for other teachers in the district. The broader impact of this project includes the development of a more permanent University/K-12 relationship; the development of teaching, communication, and team-building skills by the GK-12 Fellows; the opportunity for Fellows to gain knowledge and experience of the K-12 teaching community; and the formation of working partnerships with faculty, Fellows, and teachers. Teachers and their students will accrue a number of benefits including up to date scientific information, experiences with real science via inquiry-based investigations, and exposure to working scientists. In addition all participants will strengthen their connection with the community in which they live.