The goal of Connections in the Classroom: Molecules to Muscles (C2M2) is to enhance graduate fellows' communication and teaching skills in an interdisciplinary research and education setting. The interdisciplinary research theme ?molecules to muscles? is used as a vehicle to increase relevancy of science coursework to high school students by relating research advances in areas important to them (i.e. sports, soldier protection), while fellows will gain the ability to communicate to non-scientific audiences and researchers outside their field through an interdisciplinary team approach. Research improving human performance transcends the boundaries of individual scientific disciplines and requires seamless communication between biologists, chemists, biochemists, materials scientists and engineers. Eight fellows will be recruited each year from the College of Science and Technology to work with HS science teachers to develop and deliver classroom activities based on fellows? research, ranging from polymer composites for sporting equipment to biochemical processes of respiration. Fellows, teachers and high school students will gain appreciation for the integrative nature of scientific advancements through a unique interdisciplinary approach. C2M2 will impact a diverse group of fellows, teachers and HS students with the goal of developing future scientific leaders. Mississippi ranks 49th in participation in the high-tech industry and has the highest percentage African American population, a segment particularly underrepresented in advanced STEM degrees and careers, and The University of Southern Mississippi hosts a one-third minority student population. Results will be disseminated through a web-site, publications and presentations at education and scientific conferences. Industry support will help sustain GK-12 activities.