GER-9553453 Ward The Globalization and Democratization training program is a new interdisciplinary graduate training and research effort which focuses on how transformations of the global economy affect the practices and prospects of democracy in different societies. This program builds upon our individual and collective teaching and research interests, and the strengths of the Research Program in Political and Economic Change in the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado. It will forge a strong program of training and research aimed at producing a top-flight cohort of interdisciplinary social science scholars who will be trained in behavioral science approaches that emphasize both globalization and democracy. These scholars will have training in individual disciplines as well as training that transcends contemporary departmental structures; they will be integrated into ongoing interdisciplinary research projects on a variety of level of social organization, ranging from the workplace to the international system; some will work actively on developing new and innovative curricular spin-offs on the topics of globalization and democracy at the graduate and undergraduate levels; and some will also be involved in international exchanges. A separate research proposal on the manner in which democratic norms and practices have spread since 1815 is appended to this training grant proposal.