This project places science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) graduate students from Michigan Technological University (MTU) into schools of the Copper Country Intermediate School District (CCISD) to serve as resource consultants to K-12 teachers. The goals of the project include: 1) improving mathematics and science programs in the schools, 2) improving the communication and teaching skills for the SMET fellows, and 3) disseminating the best ideas and practices that are evolving from the project. The GK-12 fellows are: 1)developing science and mathematics experiments to enable students to actively engage in doing and learning the subject, 2) developing family math, family science, and family computing programs, 3) helping teachers apply the tools of technology, and 4) sharing their special interests and career options within their major field of study. The GK-12 fellows and cooperating teachers are also hosting a two day hands-on summer workshop for 75 Upper Peninsula K-12 mathematics and science teachers. The workshop will have a space odyssey theme and will be held during the summer of the year 2001.