This award from the Instrumentation for Materials Research program will allow the University of Kansas (UK) to acquire a deep ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR) mask aligner. This instrument will support the research of five different groups for fabrication of micron-scale and nano-scale devices. These devices include superconducting thin films and tunnel junctions, semiconductor lasers and detectors, III-N devices, and microchip-based electrophoresis devices. This acquisition will enhance existing materials research infrastructure at KU and will greatly improve KU's nanoscience and technology and materials research competitiveness. In addition, the instrument will be an excellent education and training platform providing a unique opportunity to learn thin film device and integrated circuit fabrication technologies. Deep UV and IR lamps are critical features of the proposed acquisition. The acquisition of a deep UV/IR mask aligner is essential to research programs that span the Physics and Astronomy, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry departments. These studies will have direct impact on the development of the next-generation of information, computing, semiconductors and pharmaceutical technology.
This award from the Instrumentation for Materials Research program will allow the University of Kansas (UK) to acquire a deep ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR) mask aligner. This instrument will support the research of five different groups for fabrication of micron-scale and nano-scale devices. These devices include superconducting thin films and tunnel junctions, semiconductor lasers and detectors, III-N devices, and microchip-based electrophoresis devices. This acquisition will enhance existing materials research infrastructure at KU and will greatly improve KU's nanoscience and technology and materials research competitiveness. In addition, the instrument will be an excellent education and training platform providing a unique opportunity to learn thin film device and integrated circuit fabrication technologies. Deep UV and IR lamps are critical features of the proposed acquisition. The acquisition of a deep UV/IR mask aligner is essential to research programs that span the Physics and Astronomy, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry departments. These studies will have direct impact on the development of the next-generation of information, computing, semiconductors and pharmaceutical technology..