This award from the Chemistry Division and the Division of Materials Research to New Mexico State University provides support for students who will be attending the Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center (LANSCE) School on Neutron Scattering. The School was initiated in 2004 with NSF/DOE support. The main goal of the LANSCE Neutron Scattering School is to provide in-depth neutron-scattering training in a particular topic predominantly to graduate students in their early stage of thesis research. A particular emphasis is put on selecting a diverse student body in order to foster cross-institutional, cross-disciplinary and multicultural learning environment. The LANSCE Neutron Scattering School is organized with the collaboration of the University of California and New Mexico State University. The topic for this fiscal year is Structure and Magnetism in Nanostructured Materials. The tentative topics for the upcoming two years are: (1) Geomaterials and other Materials at Extreme Conditions in 2009; and (2) and Polymer Sciences in 2010.