This project will investigate in detail the relationship between the chemistry, solid-state microstructure, and macroscopic charge transport properties of solution-processable conjugated polymers. Aligned assemblies of conjugated nanofibers will be created and their performance measured both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the molecular backbone. The microstructure will be examined in using optical and electron microscopy, with a particular focus on defect structures observed by low dose electron diffraction and high resolution electron microscopy. Electrical properties will be measured over a range of frequencies using impedance spectroscopy. The primary materials of interest will be functionalized poly(propylene dioxythiophenes) (Poly(ProDOT+)) using monomers designed and synthesized in the PI's laboratory.
This research project will provide fundamental information about the structure and properties of conjugated polymers; plastics that can conduct electricity. These materials are of interest for a variety of devices including biomedical electrodes, chemical sensors, transistors, light-emitting diodes, and photovoltaics. These devices are providing improvements in health care, national security, and reducing our energy requirements. The project will provide direct support for graduate students in science and engineering, and will make it possible to continue current outreach activities with undergraduate students. The PI's research group will also continue established interactions with industrial and international collaborators.